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Southgate Penguins Swim Team is located in Hayward, CA, and affiliated with the East Bay Swim League. The Penguins team is dedicated to provide young swimmers with an opportunity to swim in a summer recreational league. This is achieved within a professionally coached environment, which fosters sportsmanship, cooperation, team spirit, self-discipline, individual responsibility and respect for other competitors within the framework of a well-balanced athletic experience. We are a non-profit club, run by its elected Board of Directors which meets each month. All members are welcome at each meeting and encouraged to be involved in team activities and fundraisers.


 Here are some fond memories Through the years...

"The Southgate Swim Team was formed in 1965 to give the club swimmers an opportunity to participate in competitive swimming with other youths in the East Bay. This year marks the 43 anniversary of the team, and we still swim for the same reasons. Competition is one reason, but even more important are the swimming and sportsmanship skills our children learn as a part of this team. Our team was founded on these principles, and we emphasize these same values today. Our executive committee is planning a season that will encourage our children to develop and hone their skills, beat their own best times, practice good sportsmanship and teamwork, and most of all, HAVE FUN!!!"
-- SG Penguins BOD sometime in 2008.

SG Cheer 2012

Check out the 2005 Champs Boom-Chicka-Boom!


Team Pictures through the years... 2000








Want to travel through time? Visit the 2008 SG Penguins page.
Courtesy of Skip Wagner.